Past Yoga Workshops and Events

Please, find and join Vahana on Facebook or Instagram to see loads of great photos of past events.

108 sun salutations

108 Sun Salutations benefits

Under the auspices of the Finger Lakes Yoga Community and Yoga for the Earth we have organized numerous benefits over the years based on the concept of doing 108 Sun Salutations inrow.   Taking place on the Summer or Winter Solstices, these events are a wonderful opportunity for teachers and students to come together to offer their yoga practice up for a good cause.  Benefits have helped to raise awareness of causes such as the protection of the waters of lakes in the Finger Lakes region of New York State and to raise funds for local families and organizations in need.

yantra drawing


Over the years, Astrid has offered numerous workshops focused on concepts such as:

Yantra Drawing, Partner Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Exploring the Bandhas, Yoga Philosophy, and New Year's Day Intentions


If you are interested in organizing a yoga workshop, event or retreat with Astrid, please contact her!